Saturday, December 29, 2012

christmas recap

So I'm a little late on the Christmas recap, but better late than never right?

I am always so blessed with the amount of gifts I receive-I hope that I, I mean Santa, can bring my kids just as many gifts on Christmas. I know it's not all about the presents, but it is a part of the Christmas season. Here are some of my favorite goodies from Christmas.

Marc Jacobs bag//This is the first "nice" bag I have owned and I love it! It is just my style and goes with everything

Nook// I enjoy reading, but as awful as it is sounds, sometimes I am too lazy to go to the library to get one. This will also be great for my commute!

Bracelet// Just a simple bracelet from Urban Outfitters. I love how plain it is and that it actually fits my small wrist

A room at the Borgata in AC// This was such a creative idea & will definitely be put to use!

Puppy Time!
No I did not get a puppy for Christmas :( But I had to include some of the cute puppies that have been in my life lately

We were playing Scrabble. Tucker was sitting on my moms lap and apparently it is just too hard to hold your own head up :)


  1. he is the sweetest our boy. Glad you liked your gifts.

  2. I am giggling so hard for I knew most of your suprises I guess that is the perks of being BBFF's with your mom ha! I knew you would be over the moon with the Marc Jacobs bag and the room eeeeeeek and girl that bracelet looks fab on you I didn't know about that or the Nook ha! OK so you will totally be the bestest momma for you have the bestest momma and dad and you will you just wait and see! Just don't give your mom and dad a heart attack and say your preggers tomorrow lol hahahah! OK so Tucker is killing me with his head on the table and of course he would be sitting on your mom's lap lol!


  3. Looks like you had a wonderful christmas! The bag is amazing and I am never anywhere with out my nook!

  4. Wow that Marc Jacobs bag is fabulous!! What's the name? I may have to check it out :)
